Our Collaborators
Principal Investigators
Associate Professor Terryann Clark
RN, MPH, PhD (NgÂpuhi)
University of AUCKLAND
Terryann is part-time as an Associate Professor at the School of Nursing, The University of Auckland and part-time public health advocate as the Child and Youth Friendly Cities coordinator for Whangarei City. She led the Youth’12 national youth health & wellbeing survey and has been a member of the Adolescent Health Research Group since its inception in 1998. She has written over 70 publications, 25 reports and has led several national research projects related to youth health and Māori health. Her major research interests are youth health, indigenous health, mental health, sexual health & healthy youth development, with a strong focus on addressing inequity for whānau Māori.
Associate Professor Terry Fleming
dsw, MHSCI, PhD
Te Herenga Waka–VICTORIA University of WELLINGTON, university of Auckland
Terry (Theresa) is an Associate Professor in Population Health at Te Herenga Waka | Victoria University of Wellington and an honorary academic in Epidemiology and Biostatistics at The University of Auckland. She spent many years working in South Auckland to develop innovative and responsive youth health services and became involved in research to support improving youth health outcomes. Terry is interested in scalable approaches to improving health and wellbeing among young people in New Zealand and beyond. She has been a member of the Adolescent Health Research Group for many years. Follow the link below for some of Terry’s recent research.
Named Investigators
Professor Sue Crengle
MBChB, MPH, PHD (waitaha, kÂti mamoe, kÂi tahu)
University of Otago
Sue is from Waitaha, Kāti Mamoe and Kāi Tahu Iwi. She obtained her medical, MPH, and PhD degrees from The University of Auckland and holds specialty qualifications in general practice and public health medicine. Sue was a recipient of a Harkness Fellowship in Health Policy 1999–2000. Her research interests include health services research, inequities in health, and child and youth health. Sue is based in the Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Dunedin School of Medicine, Dunedin.
Associate Professor Roshini Peiris-John
University of Auckland
Roshini is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Population Health at the University of Auckland and a member of the Adolescent Health Research Group. Her research reflects a keen interest in inequities that challenge the health and wellbeing of our minority communities (i.e. immigrant youth, people living with disability).
Dr Sonia Lewycka
MA, MPhil, PHD
University of Auckland, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD
Sonia is a senior epidemiologist, currently based at the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam. She has worked on population-based studies in maternal, child and adolescent health for over 15 years. She is interested in population health surveillance, the promotion of public health interventions, and their coverage, equity and impact. Sonia maintains a strong involvement with research in New Zealand, including exploring cultural identity, whanaungatanga and health inequalities among Māori and migrant youth.
Associate Professor David Parry
BSc, MSc (Medical Electronics and Physics), MSc (Comp Sci), PhD
AUckland university of Technology
David is the head of the Department of Computer Science and the leader of the Master of Health Informatics program at AUT. His research interests include ontologies & fuzzy logic, health informatics and computer-based activity detection in the context of health care and procedural error.
Associate Investigators
University of Auckland
John has been working in youth development since he was a young person himself, when he founded Queers on Campus at the University of Auckland (now UniQ). His early research around suicidality for gay & bisexual youth led to research on the effects of sexual abuse and school victimisation on wellbeing. He has a strong history in the non-profit youth sector, working for seven years at NetSafe (where he completed his PhD on young people's wellbeing online) & three years at CORE Education focusing on supporting schools to produce positive digital citizenship. He works at the School of Counselling, Human Services & Social Work, in the Faculty of Education & Social Work, focussing on how schools can support wellbeing and achievement, especially in relation to victimisation and for gender & sexual minority students. John is co-leading the Youth19 School Environment Survey and will be involved in various analyses and outputs.
University of Otago
Jude is a research fellow in the Department of Public Health, University of Otago, Wellington. She is a member of the Adolescent Health Research Group, the ASPIRE2025 (tobacco control) research group, and Otago’s Health Promotion and Policy Research Unit (HePPRU), and is a long-term active member of the Public Health Association of New Zealand. Her doctoral studies used Youth2000 data to explore the drivers of long term trends in adolescent risk behaviour, in particular smoking, cannabis use, binge drinking and sexual behaviour. Her research focuses on the impact of the changing social context on youth trends, and the inter-relationships between smoking, drinking, drug use and mental health in young people.