Youth19 - A Youth2000 Survey

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Gender Identity and young people's wellbeing in Youth19: Free Webinar, Fri 17 November 12:30pm

Please join us at a free webinar exploring findings from trans young people, and those who were questioning their gender, in the Youth19 survey.

The webinar will touch on key indicators covered in the comprehensive report, which will be launched following the webinar: Te āniwaniwa takatāpui whānui: Te irawhiri me te ira huhua mō ngā rangatahi | Gender Identity and young people’s wellbeing in Youth19. 

The report covers findings on: Coming Out; Financial hardship; Whānau and family relationships; Community and peer relationships; Helping in the community; Neighbourhood safety; School engagement; Bullying, Violence and safety; Sexual activity; Emotional wellbeing; Substance use; Physical activity; and access and barriers to health services.

The webinar will include comments from panellists and audience pātai. Our panel includes Alex Ker, Tatyana King-Finau, Professor Terryann Clark, and Dr John Fenaughty.

Friday 17 November: 12:30pm - 1:30pm

No need to register, just save the date and click on this zoom link on the day (no passcode required):