Takatāpui Voices on what is needed for bright futures. Free Youth19 Webinar: Nov 6

Join us at our free webinar, sharing findings from Takatāpui Voices on what is needed for bright futures: A Youth19 Brief

 This is our latest output , exploring what the 150 takatāpui, LGBTQIA+, queer, rainbow, nonbinary or questioning rangatahi Māori in the Youth19 survey said about:

-If you could change one thing to make your home or family life better, what would it be?

-If you could change one thing about your school/course to make it better, what would it be?

-What is one thing that would make things better for young people you know who have a hard time or who feel bad?

-What do you think should be changed to support young people in New Zealand better?

The webinar will include comments from panelists and audience pātai. Presenters and panelists include: Tatyana King-Finau, Associate Professor Terry Fleming, Logan Hamley and Darna Appleyard on behalf of the Youth19 team and collaborators.

Monday Nov 6, 12:30 -1:15 

No registration required, just save the date and click on this zoom link on the day https://hpanz.zoom.us/j/84827496332?pwd=ZS9QTFppWC9icFE4NE52SlFFNzA1Zz09 Passcode: 591121

A recording of the webinar will be available on our website one week after the event. 

Thank you to the many people who helped make this happen and to the Health Promotion Directorate, Te Whatu Ora | Health New Zealand who funded this work.

Terry Fleming