What would help young people who feel down? The voices of young people: Free Webinar, Sept 11
A warm invitation to a free webinar sharing what almost 2500 kura and secondary school students in the Youth19 survey suggested would help young people who have a hard time or feel bad.
12–12.50pm, Monday 11 September
Presenters: Kylie Sutcliffe, Lovely Dizon, Professor Terryann Clark & Associate Professor Terry Fleming (The Adolescent Health Research Group) and Eden Grimwood (Whāraurau Youth Advisor)
No need to register, just save the date and click on this zoom link on the day (passcode 727407).
[If above link not working, join via https://hpanz.zoom.us/j/83430159778?pwd=V1ZKSis4TVg3cXZRM0FCWHZ1WU1Qdz09 or open Zoom and enter Meeting ID 834 3015 9778 and passcode 727407]
We will draw on our new brief 'What would help young people who feel down? Voices of young people' , funded by Te Whatu Ora | Health Promotion and available here.