Youth19 - A Youth2000 Survey

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Talavou o le Moana, Pacific Youth19 Health & Wellbeing: Free Webinar and report launch: Mon 26 Feb, 11am–12

Please join us at a free webinar exploring findings from Pacific youth in the Youth19 survey.

Talavou o le Moana draws on the Pacific findings from Youth19, the latest from the Youth2000 survey series led by the Adolescent Health Research Group. Over 1,000 Pacific secondary school students across Aotearoa took part, providing insights on key health and wellbeing issues such as family and faith, socioeconomic environment and housing, education and healthcare access. The launch includes an overview of the key findings, panel discussion and Q&A.
The panel was to include the late Fa'anānā Efeso Collins, we will be going ahead in his honour, to help carry on the work he was so passionate about.

Speaker Bios:
Dr Analosa Veukiso-Ulugia is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Auckland and an HRC Pacific postdoctoral research fellow hosted by the University of Auckland and Moana Connect. She is a member of the Adolescent Health Research Group (AHRG) who have led the largest cross-sectional surveys of New Zealand secondary school students.
Associate Professor Terry Fleming is a co-Principal Investigator for the Youth19 rangatahi smart survey. Based at Victoria University, Terry researchers scalable ways to improve youth health and mental health, with a particular focus on digital tools for youth mental health.

Panelists Bios:
Associate Professor Sir Collin Tukuitonga is a Niuean-born New Zealand doctor, public health academic, public policy expert and advocate for reducing health inequalities of Māori and Pasifika people. He is Associate Dean Pacific at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland.
Markerita (Meg) Poutasi is the National Director, Pacific Health at Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand. She has held various leadership roles, including Chief of Strategy for Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland.

The webinar will touch on key indicators covered in the comprehensive report, which will be launched on the 26th and will be available on

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